1-2 Years 2-3 Lacs Full Time Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Education / Teaching / Training
Posted on: 02-Apr-2024
Communication SkillsComputer OperatingcounselingAdmission
Student Counselor
Algebra Educational Counsultants
1-2 Years 2-3 Lacs
Full Time
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Education / Teaching / Training
Posted on: 02-Apr-2024
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Job Description :
Counsel students regarding abroad education opportunities such as regarding Country, Course, Universities, and programme selection, and career planning.
Advise students on application procedures, visa applications, applying for accommodation and preparing students for their studies in the overseas.
Ensure admission and visa procedures along with accommodation and travelling done within deadlines.
Provide accurate information regarding the study abroad programs, courses, colleges and universities and countries like USA,Canada,China, Denmark,Germany,Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Singapore, Malta, Australia, New Zealand, UK, Ireland, Rest of Europe.
Provide all the information sought precisely by the parent and/or student. Clarifying doubts in filling up of form or doubts of any other nature.
Share in detail about the course for abroad Education i.e. for Diploma, Bachelor’s, and Masters (all stream)
Ensure parent/student leaves with a positive word of mouth which can bring more clients and increase referrals
Stay updated about the various study abroad programs offered by College/universities and use the knowledge in helping students
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